Management as a Discipline

"The management is also a new discipline but it is growing at a faster pace"

management is formally being taught in the institutes and universities, it is a branch of knowledge, linked to study principles and practices of basic administration
, more precisely It specifies certain code of conduct and various methods to be followed by the manager to managing the limited resources efficiently.

Any branch of knowledge that fulfils the following two requirements, it's known as a discipline:

 -the management involves the transfer of knowledge which management is done by thinkers and scholars who spend the time to conduct research and provide information that guides practising managers and management students undergoing management training.

 -the management knowledge is passed on to management students or wannabe managers via education or training programs.

after obtaining a diploma certificate or higher degree, people can secure employment as managers in any organization. and there are also a lot of managers who increase their knowledge and qualification by pursuing a higher degree or certification in management, or also training without certification.

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