Management as a Science
Management is a science because it is a systematic body of knowledge
pertaining to a specific field of study that contains general facts which
explains a phenomenon and establishes a cause and effect relationship between
variables using scientific methods which involve testing. And this process
includes the observation and verification done through a series of testing.
Another feature that indicates that management is a science
is that their scientific principles are universally accepted because the
scientific laws of management are the same throughout the world and in every
situation. Management, on the other hand, has its fundamental principles that
are universally accepted and applied in every case or company.
Science is characterized by the following main features:
Universally acceptance principles: Principles of
management are accepted overworld, and they are unified. We do not find, for
example, that in America a company is led by one manager, and in Canada or
Australia, the company is led by two managers.
Experimentation and Observation: Scientific principles
of management are derived through scientific investigation and researching and
they are based on logic. The management principles are also based on scientific enquiry and observation They have been
developed through experiments & practical experiences.
Cause and Effect Relationship: if manager motivates his
workers, they increase their productivity. The cause is "motivation", the result is "increased productivity".
Test of Validity and Predictability: Validity of
management science principles can be tested at any time or any number of times
principles of management can also be tested for validity.
''the management is Soft Science''
Ernest Dale
it's true that the management has a systematic body of
knowledge but it is a flexible science and not exact science as
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