Features of Management
Management is guiding human and physical
resources to achieve organizational goals, and it is a force which
reflects the collective efforts of human resources. successful
organisations like google. Facebook, Mercedes, Coca-Cola ... etc. achieve their
goals by following a deliberate and smart process of Management.
The most important features of management are:
1-Management is a Goal-Oriented Process: every organization
has a goal, the management is the tool to achieve this goal.
2- Management is all Pervasive or Universal: management
exist in economic, charitable, commercial, and non-commercial organisations,
whatever their goal, and whatever their size.
3-Management is Multi-Dimensional :
a-Management of work: accomplishing tasks with high quality
and in a short time in the organisation.
b-Management of people: It dealing with employees as individuals
and as a group, and it's a difficult challenge because every employee have
different thinking.
c- Management of operations: It refers to the various
production processes, For example, converting inputs to outputs A.i From
purchasing raw materials to the end of production and distribution of goods and
services, the management of operations interlinked with
management of work and management of people.
4- Management is a Continuous Process: Since the
organization exists, management exists. the management is consisting of a
series of continuous functions like planning, organising, directing, staffing,
and controlling. the managers perform these functions regularly without
5- Management is a Group Activity: communicate, coordinate
and join their hands for the achievement of organisational goals. Hence, it is
a group activity, the manager’s, working to achieve goals, by planning,
organising, directing, staffing and controlling, Thus, these composite
functions of management are separately performed by all managers all the time
simultaneously to realize organizational goals.
6- Management is Dynamic Function: The world is changing,
competition is increasing, crises, all this requires flexibility and dynamic
7- management is an intangible force: the management is
invisible, but if we enter an administration, we can realise the presence of
management in the different process of the organisation, the existence of
management means the existence of the organisation. for example: overcoming crises
means having sound management.
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